Safer Streets around Victoria CP School
I urge everybody to complete this survey and have your say about improving the streets around our school and making it safer for our children. Thank you.
Improving Writing
I just would like to tell you that one of our improvement priorities this year is writing. We need to focus on punctuation, grammar and spelling so you will probably find that homework is based on spelling and writing more this year. We will also be sharing information about how you can support your children with their writing.
Please continue listening to your children read as this too will have a huge impact on your child’s ability to write.
For a starter – below are the high frequency words.
Why are high frequency words important?
High frequency words are, as you’d expect, words that you come across frequently. This means that when children are reading, they’ll see lots of these high frequency words. Therefore, it’s important that children are able to read these words, pronounce them correctly, spell them, and understand what they mean within a sentence. Just as importantly, children will be using these words in their own writing, so it’s an essential part of their literacy development.
You can help school by pointing these words out to children in your daily lives, asking them to spell and write them and to use them in sentences.
Year Group Booklets for Parents
Information about each year group:
A Day at Victoria CP School
Please check out our videos below:
Curriculum Rationale
Our school curriculum covers all aspects of the skills, knowledge and experiences that our children will encounter whilst learning at Victoria CP School. The document below has been created to provide you with a summary of our curriculum. We hope that this will give you a good idea of what our curriculum looks like, and what your child will be learning and experiencing at school.