Well done! Da iawn to all staff and children at Ysgol Victoria – we have been awarded Cymraeg Campus Arian! diolch yn fawr Mrs Andrews!
If you would like to start, or even continue your Welsh language learning journey here are some useful websites and apps:
Drwy gydweithio, gall bob plentyn lwyddo!
Amser Cinio:
A video from our Criw Cymraeg:
Brawddeg Yr Wythnos – Esgusodwch fi (Criw)
Dydd Miwsig Cymru – Beth wyt ti’n feddwl o’r miwsig? (Criw)
Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus (Criw)
Penblwydd Hapus Urdd! Guiness World Record Contribution