The Student Assistance Program (SAP) covers a range of issues which may affect children in our modern day society. The Student Assistance Program supports children in dealing with such issues by providing them with a secure and confidential environment to express any worries or concerns they may have.
The Student Assistance Program is group work based, where children meet once a week over a period of 8 weeks. The group is designed to help children build self-worth and confidence, look at their own behaviour and how it affects themselves and others, build communication skills and help promote and encourage healthy lifestyles.
Some of the topics covered within the sharing sessions include:
- Dealing with different feelings
- Knowing who to trust and who to turn to for help
- Building friendships
- Caring for ourselves and others
- Leading a healthy lifestyle
- Boosting self esteem
- Receiving nurturing affirmations for growthDuring your child’s time at Victoria, we would like to give them the opportunity to take part in SAP sessions when deemed appropriate with your full knowledge.Issues arising will depend on the membership of each group and may have a particular focus such as bereavement, dealing with friendship issues, anger management, or it may be more general, such as building children’s self-esteem for example.If your child is selected for participation in a SAP group we would seek your permission first. Equally if you feel your child would benefit from attending a nurture group such as SAP, please let us know.
- The groups are designed to help the children build self-worth and confidence, look at their own behaviour and how it affects themselves and others, build communication skills, develop coping strategies and help promote and encourage wellbeing. Each group will have up to 8 members and will meet once a week.
- Support groups provide a confidential setting where pupils can share their thoughts and feelings in a safe and caring environment, and will be led by specially trained staff. Pupils attending a group may find their worries are similar to those of others, so reducing feelings of isolation.
- Each session involves discussing a particular topic/theme, giving children the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings on the topic of discussion. Each session is interactive and includes fun activities for the children to engage in.
Should you require any further information regarding the Student Assistance Programme, please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will be happy to discuss this initative further.