Relationships and Sexuality Education

What is RSE?

We want education to help our children to develop as healthy, confident
individuals, ready for the next chapter in their life after school.
The Curriculum for Wales will begin to be rolled out in schools from September
2022. It has a key role to play in helping children and young people navigate the
world safely.

‘Sex and Relationships Education’ (SRE) will change to ‘Relationships and Sexuality
Education’ (RSE) in the new curriculum. The change of title is deliberate – with a
renewed focus on Relationships.
Parents have a central role to play in supporting their children. There is also a crucial
role for schools – especially in a world where there is so much inaccurate and
misleading information and harmful materials, circulating online. RSE plays an
important role for the safeguarding and protection of all learners in Wales.
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) will be a mandatory element of the
Curriculum for Wales – so that every child has a right to access the full curriculum. It
includes learning on anti bullying, violence against woman and online safety as part
of a whole school approach.

What will Primary school age children be taught?

The aim is to gradually build learners knowledge, skills and values as they develop
emphasising the social and emotional aspects of relationships. Schools are legally
required to ensure that learning is developmentally appropriate for every learner.
That means they must not be exposed to learning they’re not ready for.
Education about relationships in early development is required to focus on building
healthy relationships and self-esteem by encouraging learners to value themselves;
recognise and communicate their feelings and form friendships.
For example, at age 5, children currently in the Foundation Phase learn about
relationships with parents, family and friends – not romantic relationships. This will be
mirrored in the new curriculum.


A Parents and carers guide to religious education in primary schools from September 2022