Summer Fair

We will be holding our summer fair on Friday 3rd July, 5.30 – 8pm. We are having a Super Hero theme all day which will include a Super Hero catwalk competition during the Fair. Hopefully our Superhero Bikers will be attending to judge the competition! We have lots of activities planned for the evening and if you would like to run a stall please get in touch. Our PTA are busy planning as we speak. Donations for prizes are always very welcome. Many thanks.

summer fair

Year 1 Elections

Today in Emerald Class we have been talking about the Election. We discussed how important voting was and changes that we would make if we were the Prime Minister of Great Britain. We then decided to elect a class Prime Minister to be a child’s voice in our class. All of the children discussed what rules and promises they would make as the class Prime Minister and candidates were selected (Poppy from the red party, Lincoln from the yellow party, Mansoora from the green party and Lily from the blue party), they then made their pledges to the rest of the class. We then had a secret ballot and plotted the results to find the winner. Congratulations Poppy!

Wrexham Street Festival

We are thrilled to be part of the Wrexham Street Festival this year. Our very own pupils will be running a book stall to raise money to re-stock our own library. We are asking all pupils to bring in one good quality book that we can sell on our stall. Thank you very much!



Hardworking Children

Neve and Harrison have been working hard on their Henna patterns.

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RDA Fundraiser

Well done to all the children who helped raise £340 for the RDA. Mrs White came in to receive the cheque and we had a special assembly with Ruby and Amelia.
